Our church

Because the Bible calls Church a “household of faith”, every Sunday for us we come together as a family – all different ages, ethnic groups, men and women – sharing one faith.

In order to cater for the broad demographic, our church service is a mix of contemporary and traditional. We do things you might’ve seen if you’ve ever been to Church before.

We speak to God by praying, and we sing songs that celebrate God and remind us what the Bible says about Him. We listen to God’s Word read from the Bible. We hear a Bible talk that helps us think about what we’ve read, and what it means for our lives. Once every couple of months we take part in The Lord’s Table (you might have heard it called “Communion” or “Last Supper”). It might seem a bit formal – we receive a small piece of bread, followed by a small cup of grape juice, distributed by the minister and elders –  but its purpose is to help us remember that through  his life, death and resurrection Jesus has brought us near to God, and each other.  We continue our ‘communion’ with God and each other over lunch after the service.

You can find more details on what happens in our 9:30 service here and Kid’s Church here.

All of our services are live-streamed to youtube, so you never have to miss a Sunday (but – we much prefer to see you in person!).